Three ISBI Submissions from the IDiA Lab Accepted as Presentations at ISBI 2024

Congratulations to IDiA lab members, Dheerendranath Battalapalli, Olivia Krebs, and Andres Alvaro Sandino on the acceptance of their paper submissions to the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) 2024 in Athens, Greece this May!

  1. Dheerendranath Battalapalli: “Graph-Radiomics Learning (GrRAiL): Application to Distinguishing Glioblastoma Recurrence from Pseudo-Progression on Structural MRI.”
  2. Olivia Krebs: “Multi-scale Co-attention Transformer Model to Integrate Radiology, Histology, and Genomics: Application to Survival Prediction in Glioblastoma.”
  3. Andres Sandino: “Human-in-the-loop (HITL) learning for identifying glioblastoma hallmarks on H&E slides.”

Great job, everyone!